Custom Made Night Guards

Bruxism is a condition characterized by the unintentional clenching or grinding of teeth, leading to tooth erosion and muscle pain. At Prestige Dental Care, our caring dentists specialize in managing bruxism by providing custom-made night guards tailored to your specific needs.

Custom-Made Night Guards: Protect Your Teeth and Relieve Bruxism

Bruxism, the unconscious clenching or grinding of teeth, can lead to tooth erosion, muscle pain, and other dental issues. At Prestige Dental Care in Lake Worth, our compassionate dentists offer custom-made night guards to effectively manage bruxism. These comfortable and biocompatible appliances are designed to fit your mouth perfectly, preventing teeth grinding and providing relief from the symptoms of bruxism. Schedule a consultation with our dentist near you to learn how a custom night guard can help alleviate your bruxism symptoms.

Recognizing the Signs of Bruxism

Bruxism can have noticeable effects on your dental health. People who suffer from bruxism often experience enamel erosion, which exposes the yellow dentin underneath and leads to tooth sensitivity. Dentin is softer than enamel and wears down approximately seven times faster, making it vulnerable to the effects of teeth grinding and clenching, as well as acids from acid reflux and diet. You may also notice that the edges of your front teeth or the top surface of your back teeth appear flat due to wear.

Apart from dental effects, bruxism can cause muscle soreness and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. Morning soreness is common due to nighttime clenching and grinding. Forceful biting when not eating can disrupt the proper balance of your lower jaw, causing muscle tension and undue stress on your TMJ. Tongue indentations, as well as popping and clicking sounds when opening or closing your mouth, may also be signs of bruxism. Stress has been identified as a potential contributor to this condition, with nervousness, anger, and frustration triggering episodes. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to discuss them with our experienced dentists in Lake Worth at Prestige Dental Care.

Solving the Bruxism Problem

During your regular check-up visits, our dentists will carefully examine your teeth for physical signs of bruxism. If potential indicators are found, we may observe the condition over the next few months to confirm the diagnosis before recommending appropriate therapy.

The primary objective of bruxism therapy is to modify the behavior associated with teeth clenching and grinding. Often, simply raising awareness and advising patients to rest their tongue upward with teeth apart and lips shut can bring about a change in behavior and alleviate discomfort.

In cases where behavior modification alone does not lead to improvement, we may recommend a custom-made plastic mouth appliance known as a night guard. Worn during sleep, the night guard absorbs the force generated by biting, aiming to modify destructive behavior and prevent tooth damage.

Understanding Custom Night Guards

Custom-made night guards are crafted from various materials, depending on your specific requirements. The main distinction among different types of night guards lies in their degree of rigidity. Specially formed guards are constructed from hardened, heat-cured acrylic resin, while softer variants are made from heated laminated material. For patients seeking a combination of comfort and rigidity, a mixed material option is available. This option allows the softer material to be wrapped in a hard acrylic shell.

Based on our experience, hard night guards and mixed guards are the most effective choices. Softer night guards have been associated with potential harm, such as tooth fractures when they become locked into the material. In contrast, hard night guards offer a sleek and transparent surface that allows the teeth to glide smoothly without the risk of locking. This harmonious environment promotes muscle relaxation and reduces or eliminates clenching and grinding. Consult with our caring dentist in Lake Worth to determine if a custom-fitted night guard would benefit you.

The Night Guard Creation Process

When creating a custom night guard for you, our attentive dentist in Lake Worth will take precise impressions of your teeth and capture your bite. These impressions will serve as the basis for creating molds that replicate your dentition accurately. The biocompatible material used for the night guard is designed to be safe for extended wear in your mouth. The objective of a custom-made night guard is to ensure a perfect fit for optimal comfort, preventing shifting and relaxing your facial muscles while you sleep and keeping your teeth from grinding against each other. Once the dental laboratory fabricates your appliance, our dentist will make necessary adjustments to ensure a proper fit in your mouth.

For the night guard to be effective, it must be worn consistently every night. Our Lake Worth dentist emphasizes the importance of regular and continuous usage. When not in use, store your night guard in a clean case. Remember to brush it with a soft toothbrush and soap upon waking, as most toothpaste formulations contain abrasives that can scratch the material.

Have Questions? Schedule a Consultation Today!

If you have any inquiries or concerns about how a night guard can help you manage bruxism and protect your oral health, don't hesitate to reach out to our caring dentists at Prestige Dental Care. We are dedicated to providing personalized care and addressing your unique needs. Call us today at (561) 965-3933 or click below to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, more comfortable smile.

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At Prestige Dental Care, we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional dental solutions, focusing on professionalism, integrity, and your overall well-being. Choose us for a dental experience that prioritizes your oral health and delivers beautiful, confident smiles.


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